Ubisoft has recently revealed that Far Cry 6 main protagonist, Dani Rojas, will be transported to a psychedelic alien landscape in upcoming ‘Lost Between Worlds’ expansion, including a ‘New Game Plus’ mode for series’ veterans.
Far Cry 6 might not win any greatest-of-all-time awards, but it is indeed a more than competent, and dare I say, gorgeous first-person, open-world adventure game. It’s been nearly a year since the series’ main entry was released, but this hasn’t stopped Ubisoft from unveiling its new expansion at a livestream event, and in typical fashion, the DLC sets itself apart from the original game by taking a break from the realistic setting and transforming into an alien fantasy world.
As the story goes, our hero, Dani, inadvertently stumbles upon a crashed alien ship that holds an alien AI known as FAI who traps the protagonist and demands the player embark on a quest to retrieve five crystals needed to repair the ship, each hidden away in a mysterious rift containing a fractured simulation of Yara.
Naturally, this is merely an excuse to transport players into a beautifully twisted fantasy that introduces new rogue-like gameplay and lore, and we are all for it. Players also need to use traditional combat, parkour, and puzzle-solving skills to complete the DLC’s 15 unique gameplay challenges and trials. ‘
“Lost Between Worlds is a rich, action-packed gauntlet with deadly crystal enemies, multiple player paths, all-new lore, and a wide variety of unique gameplay challenges,” says the developer.
You can expect the expansion to hit Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Epic Games and Ubisoft Connect for PC on December 6, and will cost users $20, or at no additional cost for those who hold a Season Pass.
Additionally, Ubisoft Connect is currently running a sale with up to 67 per cent off Far Cry 6, so now would be a good time as any to purchase the game if you haven’t already.