Xbox PC app May update features new options for game discovery and accessibility

Still has a long way to catch Steam.

Xbox App May Update

Xbox PC app’s latest update improves game discovery with more detailed game cards and filtering, alongside new accessibility options and quality-of-life improvements. Let’s dig in.

Starting with the most useful of the bunch, we have a refreshed game card design now including information like publisher, pricing, time needed to finish, upcoming release date on Game Pass, date when leaving Game Pass, and more. Some of these have been added to the filter list, too, now offering game library sorting by rating, accessibility, or the aforementioned Time-To-Beat/Finish criteria.

The new layout also brings more ways to find your next game to play through collections like the self-explanatory ‘popular in your region’ or ‘clear your schedule’ which feature titles requiring time to be completed.

Xbox App May Update - Accessibility Options

Next, we have centralised accessibility settings, of which the top section includes four settings, of which two – disable background images and disable animations – are brand new. Both are designed to remove visual components that may annoy some users. Meanwhile, in its second half, we find extra settings for Windows, Accessories, and Game Bar.

Xbox App May Update - Social

Finally, we have the possibility to keep the friends list, chat, and party windows up even while in-game simply by dragging said windows onto the desktop of a secondary screen. No word about functionality with windowed/full-screen-windows modes on ultra-wide monitors. Personally, I don’t see much use to this option, since often I only need to use the friends list once, to invite or join parties, so ‘Win+G’ is good enough… but hey, more features are welcome.