Spider-Man Remastered gets a thumbs up from Valve – Steam Deck-verified

Swinging to a Steam Deck near you.

Spider-Man Remastered PC Feature

One of the best superhero games around will be swinging its way to PC in a week from now. Steam Deck users are in for a treat as the game has been officially verified on the handheld console.

Announced by developer Insomniac Games via Twitter, it marks the first time a superhero game of this calibre makes its way to a handheld console. The verified tick essentially distinguishes the game as fully supported and functional on the handheld, day-one, without much hassle. No muss, no fuss!

Image Source: Steam

Marvel’s Spider-Man Remastered was released four years ago on Sony PlayStation 4 consoles to critical acclaim. Seeing tremendous success on both PS4 and PS5 even produced a spinoff in the form of Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The video game will finally make its debut on PC, much to the excitement of eagerly-awaiting fans.

The Remastered version will feature quality-of-life improvements including ultrawide support, keyboard and mouse support, display options including 1440p and graphical updates such as enhanced shadows, ray tracing, and unlocked framerate, as well as DLSS and DLAA support for Nvidia graphics cards, to name a few. No word if AMD’s FSR will be supported in the future.

Sony has big plans for PC and has since released first-party heavy hitters on the platform to broaden its audience and, most importantly, increase revenue. This marks the fourth entry from a Sony first-party studio following God of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Bend Studios’ Days Gone, with each title often riding high on top-seller lists across various storefront’s including Valve’s Steam and the Epic Games Store.

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Image Source: Steam

In case you’re part of an unfortunate mishap and pre-ordered the game early, you could stand a chance to get a few pounds back, as Steam recently made an announcement that certain countries, including the UK, were overcharged with incorrect pricing. You need to cancel that pre-order and get a refund ASAP, and then rebuy the game at the lower price. The list of countries affected include Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Norway, Poland, Switzerland, and the UK.

Spider-Man Remastered will make its debut August 12 for PC via Steam and the Epic Games Store. You can also expect Uncharted: Legacy of Thieves Collection on PC within 2022 and The Last of Us Part 1 remake for PS5 on September 2, with release dates for PC expected at a later date. Until then, you best Protect Ya Neck, kid, or end up like this guy down below.

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Image Source: Steam